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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Vehicle > Top 5 Trusted Used Car Brands in India

Loan for Vehicle

Top 5 Trusted Used Car Brands in India

Top 5 Trusted Used Car Brands in India

With the deadly COVID-19 taking over, people have started to opt for a safer commute for their everyday functions. Owning a private car allows individuals to avoid crowded public transportation. But, purchasing a brand-new car can leave you with a big digit bill. To avoid a hefty toll on their pockets, many people wanted to opt for a smarter alternative. As a result, India observed a great surge in the sales of used carsduring the lockdown.

Purchasing a used vehicle is a great way to save a fortune during such tough times. There are many promising used car brandsavailable in the market.

Here are the top 5used vehiclebrands in India for a reasonable purchase.

Maruti Suzuki

Maruti Suzuki is one of the most trusted used car brands in India. Their cars are durable, low-maintenance, and available at pocket-friendly prices, thus making them one of the best options for a second-hand vehicle purchase.


Hyundai is a terrific option to consider while purchasing a second-hand car. Their used sedans and hatchbacks are powerful and come at affordable prices. Their models have great resistance and mileage that go a long way even after years of use.

Additional Read: Planning to buy a used car? Check these top low-maintenance cars in India


These Indian built models strive for excellence in their performance. If your budget does not allow you to buy a brand-new SUV, buy a used Mahindra SUV. They have an incredible lifespan and are known for their sturdy build.


Toyota is known for its splendid range of cars that fit every need. The brand has a great service record, and their cars are built to last. This makes it a premium choice for anyone willing to purchase a used automobile.


The German automobile manufacturers are known for their brilliant design and construction. Their cars lay on the higher end of the price margin. But, if you still want to experience the phenomenal delivery by the brand, you must invest in a second-hand model. This will allow you to bag the car for almost half the price.

Get a used car loan

Purchasing a used vehicle can put a significant dent in your hard-earned savings. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you seek financial assistance from lenders around you. Many financial institutions offer a wide range of used vehicle loans. Also, go through different schemes to understand the various used car loan eligibility criteria before applying.

Once you satisfy the primary eligibility factors, compare used car loan interest rate offered by different lenders.

You can find out various tenures and principal amounts that will help you select an EMI range that fits your monthly budget. For this, you can use the used car loan EMI calculator facility on the lender’s official website.

Additional Read: Most popular used car models in India

The bottom line

Leverage the benefits of used vehicle loan schemes offered by Tata Capital. We are one of India’s most trusted financial institutions. Reach out to us and avail of used car loan at attractive interest rates with minimal documentation and flexible repayment terms.

To know more, log on to our website today!

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