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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Wedding > Can a Personal Loan help with Last Minute Wedding Expenses?

Loan for Wedding

Can a Personal Loan help with Last Minute Wedding Expenses?

Can a Personal Loan help with Last Minute Wedding Expenses?

Your dream wedding attire, a talented wedding photographer, and the best caterer you can afford – all of these are typical wedding expenses you must have already factored in your budget. However, no matter how meticulous a wedding planner you are, some expenses can fly under your radar and pop up right around the big day. It can be anything: last-minute attendees, additional décor, or transportation costs.

These last-minute wedding expenses can throw you off, both mentally and financially. So how do you take care of these costs without burning a hole in your wallet? Well, a personal loan can do the job for you!

Why go for a personal loan to meet your wedding expenses?

Paying the unexpected expenses out of your pocket can take a toll on your savings. However, with a personal loan for wedding, you can pay the additional costs over time, thereby not letting the financial burden pull you down. But that’s not it! Here are some other benefits you can enjoy with personal finance:

Speedy disbursals

Since you’re already in a time crunch with wedding preparations, going through an arduous loan application process can eat up your precious time. But there’s good news!

Lenders often sanction a loan for personal use within a few working days. For instance, if you apply for personal finance with Tata Capital online, you can get approval in just a couple of minutes. These loans also don’t require you to submit a lot of document proofs or fulfil any over the top personal loan eligibility criteria.

Most importantly, you can now apply for these loans online, which is a massive advantage as you don’t have to travel to the lender’s branch physically. You just have to fill an online application form, upload the required documents, pay the processing fees, and voila! You will have the funds you need within a couple of days.

Additional Read: Top 5 Cost-Saving Tips for Having an Indian Destination Wedding          

No collateral required

Stress levels are already at their peak with the wedding around the corner. In such circumstances, pledging your assets as collateral can add to the burden. But with personal loans, you won’t have to worry about such things. These loans are usually unsecured, meaning you don’t have to pledge collateral to the lender while applying.

Flexible tenure

The best thing about personal finance is that they offer a ton of flexibility. Personal loan tenure typically ranges from 1-5 years. Therefore, you can either opt for a short-term loan and clear it off within a year or two; otherwise, opt for a longer loan term with smaller EMIs. The choice is entirely yours.

Additional Read: Marriage Expenses to Keep in Mind When Choosing a Wedding Venue

Over to you

Ran into some extra expenses on the eve of your wedding? Well, Tata Capital is here to help you out. With us, you can enjoy super-fast disbursals, an easy application process, and attractive personal loan interest rates.

So, what are you waiting for? Apply for a wedding loan today and make your wedding an event of a lifetime