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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Wedding > Essentials for the Bride on Her Wedding Day

Loan for Wedding

Essentials for the Bride on Her Wedding Day

Essentials for the Bride on Her Wedding Day

Your wedding day is one of the most important days of your life. You would want everything to be perfect on this day so that you can look back and cherish the memories.

A wedding comes together after a lot of effort, planning, and expenses. Families often take a wedding loan to help in financing the different ceremonies. Therefore, on the D-day, it is very important that everything goes right.

To ensure that you have a stress-free day and are prepared for every situation, given below is a list of essentials that you should have on your wedding day:

1. Safety pins

Extra safety pins are the most important thing to have with you. Safety pins are essential to adjust your dress so that it’s more secure. You should have a lot of them and in different sizes.

2. Bobby pins

You want your expensive hair-do to stay in place throughout the ceremony. Ask your hairdresser for some professional bobby pins of good quality. Also, make sure that you appoint a well known professional hair and makeup artist. You may avail of a marriage loan to meet the costs.

3. Deodorant/Perfume

Wedding days are long and require outfits to be changed. So whenever you change outfits re-apply deodorant and apply a little perfume so you smell good throughout the day.

Additional read- Glitter Gorgeously at Your Wedding with Diamond Jewellery

4. Band-Aids

There are many small wedding expenses that you may incur like purchasing new shoes for the special day. It is better that you try them on before your wedding day so that they become comfortable. If you were not able to do this, keep some band-aids so that you may avoid blisters and shoe bites.

5. Tissues

You may use tissues to wipe food or anything else that has fallen on your dress, touch up any makeup that may get smudged or since it’s an emotional day you may need the tissues to dry tears from you and your family member’s eyes.

Additional read- 5 Nature Wedding Ideas You Can Use to Have a Glamorous Wedding

6. Camera

You have probably spent a fair amount of money on your wedding and may have also availed of a personal loan to meet the expenses. You may have hired a professional photographer to take pictures. However, the photographer may not be there for all the moments. Carry a camera to take some candid shots while you are getting ready and also to get a different perspective of the photos.

All parts of a wedding are incredible. Even after the wedding has ended, there is still a lot of excitement for the honeymoon. This will be the first trip you and your significant other will take as a married couple, so you should pull out all the stops. To finance your honeymoon, you may avail of a personal loan. Your wedding marks the beginning of a new chapter in your life so make it your dream wedding.