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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Wedding > Tips and Tricks to Have a Memorable Wedding Day

Loan for Wedding

Tips and Tricks to Have a Memorable Wedding Day

Tips and Tricks to Have a Memorable Wedding Day

The day you get married is probably the most memorable day in your life. Every couple wishes that the wedding ceremony goes as smoothly as possible. The memories made on this day last a lifetime.

After months of tirelessly planning, the day of celebrating your love marriage is finally approaching. Following are five tips you may keep in mind to enhance the experience for both you and your guests.

1. Have a guestbook

A great way for modern day couples to involve their guests in their marriage ceremony is by asking them to pen down a few lines in a guestbook. This is a great way to look back and remember your friends and family who were a part of your big day. You may add a personalized touch to this idea based on your preference e.g. If you and you partner love to travel, you may keep a globe as a guestbook.

2. Arrange for disposable cameras

Another way to keep the memories of your wedding day fresh is by arranging Polaroid cameras. You may create a photo station with these disposable cameras so that your family and friends may snap some happy pictures. To give this idea a personalized touch, you may provide some pens, so that they may leave a small note just for you! You may meet these expenses by borrowing a wedding loan, and thus have a fun-filled wedding without any financial difficulties.

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3. Keep the wedding favors ready

Wedding favors are the perfect keepsakes, and are a symbol of gratitude by the couple towards those who have attended the wedding. Deciding on the perfect wedding favor may sometimes be an overwhelming task. You may opt for one based on the theme and the color of the wedding.

4. Show a video of your love story

Every couple has a unique love story. What better way to show the journey of your love than through a video. You may include pictures from your childhood, the day you met, to the vacations you took together, and many others. Taking a trip down the memory lane will certainly bring some happy tears.

Additional Read- 7 Trendy & Creative Ideas to Include in Your Wedding in 2022

5. Give a thank you speech with your partner

All along your journey of life, there have been people who have supported you through your ups and downs. You should take your wedding day as an opportunity to thank those close friends and family members have been your pillars of strength.

If financial constraints are holding you back, you may opt for a personal loan to fund your wedding expenses. Many banks and Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) offer such loans at attractive terms. A loan has its own benefits, including low personal loan interest rates, which indicates that you will have to repay a lesser amount towards your installments. Meeting your wedding expenses through a personal loan will ensure that you may have your dream wedding without utilizing your lifetime savings and instead pay through regular installments.