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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Wedding > Want to Have a Monsoon Wedding? Consider These Tips for a Smooth Sailing

Loan for Wedding

Want to Have a Monsoon Wedding? Consider These Tips for a Smooth Sailing

Want to Have a Monsoon Wedding? Consider These Tips for a Smooth Sailing

Monsoons are symbolic of the literary blues but when it comes to weddings – rains can truly beautify the most special day of your life. However, the monsoon season comes with its own tantrums – from busy traffic to water-logged streets, from a humid climate to drenching showers – it’s an endless downpour.

But don’t think that these seasonal problems can dampen your plans for a monsoon wedding? Here are some tips for organizing the monsoon wedding of your dreams in a smooth fashion.

Selecting a venue

Choose a hotel or banquet hall to keep the unpredictable showers from dampening the festivities. Since the weather is atrociously humid and warm during monsoon, you will have sweaty guests inside the venue. Make sure the hall is fully air-conditioned and spacious enough to avoid crowding. Do remember that such facilities will come at a cost, in addition to overtime charges, parking space, and several other hidden expenses. If you’re short on funds, you can think about availing personal loans to have the wedding of your trips. If you are planning a destination wedding that’s proving to be a drain on your finances, consider taking a marriage loan from a reputed financial institution like Tata Capital.

A monsoon themed wedding

If you do plan a monsoon wedding, paint the celebrations in monsoon hues. Print invitation cards with pretty illustrations of rain-dance, rain droplets, etc. to convey the theme of your wedding. Organize a rain-dance party to keep the excitement going, or a live station of hot beverages and snacks to enjoy in the cool ambiance. For a return gift, beautiful, colourful umbrellas will be an appropriate choice.

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Fashion tips

If you’re planning a monsoon wedding, keep the following dos and don’ts in mind:

  • Avoid heals or stilettos
  • Avoid excess make-up – it will wear off
  • Wear fresh-coloured clothes in peach, rose pink, tomato red, gold, etc.
  • Wear real jewellery as fake ones can cause skin infections in reaction with the moist air

As for decoration, light up the damp surrounding with neon colours, floral prints, danglers, and other bright props.

Additional ReadHidden Wedding Expenses That You Should Keep in Mind While Taking a Marriage Loan

Get financial help

Organizing weddings in general, and monsoon weddings in particular, is not easy. They take months of planning and running around. However, if you strike the right balance between the dreamy affair of a rainy wedding and its expenses, you may just have the most memorable day of your life.

Apply for a Tata Capital Personal Loan to cover your weddings’ expenses or a travel loan if you’re planning a destination wedding. Tata Capital offer personal loan at attractive interest rates, which can be paid back in easy instalments. A personal loan can be your saviour handling the downpour of expenses and planning a truly fairy tale wedding. Check your personal loan eligibility today!

So, what are you waiting for? Get married in the rain and be forever drenched in love!