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Tata Capital > Blog > COVID-19 > Lockdown News > Best Fitness Apps That Can Help You to Work Out at Home

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Best Fitness Apps That Can Help You to Work Out at Home

Best Fitness Apps That Can Help You to Work Out at Home

It is easier to stay in shape if you don’t let yourself get out of shape in the first place! However, this philosophy is harder to follow, especially with the Coronavirus lockdown strictly in place. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 India pandemic is making it impossible for most of us to stick to our daily workout routines, and going to the gym is entirely out of the question.

But, there is always a silver lining no matter how bleak things may seem, and in this case, it is the availability of digital home exercise apps. Subscribing to fitness apps during quarantine can help you plan your workout routines and dietary regimes better. 

Given below are three of the best home workout apps offering exercises that can be done while at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Undoubtedly Aaptiv is one of the top apps for all fitness enthusiasts! It talks you through the fitness session, which means that you don’t need to continually glance at the smartphone screen to keep up with an exercise. The app provides guided audio workouts that are divided into different categories, for example, stretching, core strength, etc. Every workout comes with a difficulty level and an estimated duration so that you can pick the one you’re in mood for on a particular day.

Aaptiv also comes with music to groove with while working out, meaning that you don’t have to set up a workout-playlist separately. Additionally, you can choose from a list of trainers to guide you throughout a workout session. All trainers featured on the app encourage and motivate you into finishing a session successfully.

Additional Read – Easy Home Exercises That Can Keep You Fit During Lockdown

Nike Training Club

This is one of the most feature-rich apps for all fitness lovers! From expertly designed detailed workouts to customisable fitness programs, you can find everything within the gamut of the Nike Training Club app. You can filter exercises by categories and also have the flexibility to choose from different workout types like strength, yoga, endurance, cardio, mobility, etc. This app also allows you to limit your scope and opt for shorter workouts, or go for ones that can be carried out without any extra gym equipment.

Adidas Training by Runtastic

This app has a variety of training plans and ready-made workouts for you to choose from. So, if you are working from home during this Coronavirus outbreak, you can easily create a custom plan depending on what you need or what muscle group you want to focus on.

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With the Adidas Training app, you can also set the duration on your personalised fitness plan. Moreover, you are guided through the workouts by both video and audio narration. You can check the video when you are trying a new exercise, but once you get the hang of it, you can follow through with voice instructions alone.

Just as we have been using social-media apps to keep ourselves connected with our loved ones during this COVID-19 pandemic, we can also use fitness apps during quarantine to help us stay fit without leaving the safety of our homes.

Working out at home can feel more challenging than exercising in a gym or fitness centre. But, once you start doing it, you will soon begin to enjoy it. The Coronavirus outbreak shouldn’t deter you from your daily fitness regime. Instead, you can turn regular working out into one of your Coronavirus lockdown solutions. 

So, download one of these best home workout apps and get started instantly to stay fit during the Coronavirus lockdown.