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Tata Capital > Blog > COVID-19 > Lockdown News > Easy Home Exercises That Can Keep You Fit During Lockdown

Lockdown News

Easy Home Exercises That Can Keep You Fit During Lockdown

Easy Home Exercises That Can Keep You Fit During Lockdown

With the COVID-19 pandemic taking the whole world in its clutches, social distancing, self-quarantine, and lockdown measures are being followed everywhere. Due to the Coronavirus lockdown being imposed, gyms and fitness centres were the first to be closed. Closing of fitness centres and gyms have disrupted our fitness regime. But this shouldn’t mean that you skip your exercise routines, especially now when fitness is even more critical as Coronavirus cases keep on increasing.

Staying home during the Coronavirus lockdown can easily make you lethargic; hence you must follow a simple home workout schedule. Doing easy home exercises during lockdown will strengthen your immune system, improve mental health and keep you fit during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, listed below are a few lockdown home exercises to help you stay fit at home without any gym equipment.

Additional Read – Best Fitness Apps That Can Help You to Work Out at Home


If you want to pick an effective and a simple home workout, go for planks, especially forearm planks. Begin by lying on your front with your forearms on the floor. Make sure that elbows and shoulders are aligned. Keep your knees straight and then slowly push up your body so that you are resting on your forearms and feet.

Remember to keep your back and body straight. Posture is crucial, so keep your head in line with your back. Brace your core muscles and hold this position for about thirty seconds. Once you get used to holding yourself up, start increasing the duration to a full minute. Planks are excellent for strengthening your core.


Squats are a great lower body exercise that helps in strengthening your core and improving balance. This exercise is also exceptional for keeping your gluteus maximus in shape. To ace, a perfect squat, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms in front of you. Bend your knees to lower yourself and push your hips back to take the traditional squat position. Push your body up using your heels and then keep repeating. While doing squats, remember to look straight ahead and don’t round your back.


Push-up is a common exercise that helps strengthen your shoulders, arms, and sculpt your body. Begin by lying on the floor downwards. Make sure your palms are on the ground, slightly wider than your shoulders-width. Keep your core tight and push your body up from the ground with your hands. In this process, your knees and thighs will also rise. Make sure that your whole body is in a straight line throughout the push-up. Lower your body and get back into the original position you started the exercise with. Then, repeat.

Jumping Jacks

One of the easiest lockdown home exercises is jumping jacks. Jumping jacks are an efficient total-body workout that you can easily do at home. Begin by standing straight with your back straight and your arms to your sides. Jump up and spread your feet apart. While jumping, bring your arms above your head. Next, jump again, lower your arms, and bring your legs together. This way, you will return to your starting position. Then repeat this several times.

Additional Read – Activities to Do at Home during This Lockdown

Initially, it might be difficult to exercise at home during this Coronavirus outbreak, but doing easy home exercises during lockdown can be highly rewarding once you get the hang of it. Doing regular home exercises can become one of your Coronavirus lockdown solutions that makes you feel productive while making you fitter.

Having a fit body is crucial for your emotional and mental well-being. During these tough times, you might feel that being lazy is the ‘new normal,’ but you shouldn’t compromise on self-care. Hence, exercising regularly while being stuck at home is exceptionally crucial.