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Tata Capital > Blog > Personal Use Loan > Can I Apply for Personal Loan after I’ve Been Rejected Multiple Times?

Personal Use Loan

Can I Apply for Personal Loan after I’ve Been Rejected Multiple Times?

Can I Apply for Personal Loan after I’ve Been Rejected Multiple Times?

Has your personal loan application been turned down multiple times? Don’t worry, all is not lost! You may still be eligible for a loan in the future. What you need is a strategic approach when making your next application and you should face no problems.

Read more to find out what you can do to get your loan application approved with no hiccups.

1. Understand why your application has been rejected

Unless you know why your loan application was rejected, you wouldn’t know what to change next time. Every lender is required to furnish a document with personal loan rejection reasons within 30 days of rejecting an application.

Once you receive this document, go through it carefully. Some of the common reasons why your loan application may have been turned down include a low credit score, unstable employment history, not meeting the age limit criterion, employment in a private company that’s been delisted, etc.

The reasons are pretty self-explanatory. Still, in case of any doubts, contact your lender for more clarification.

2. Improve your credit score

Lenders evaluate your income and repaying capacity only after they look at your credit score. Naturally, you need to have a good score for loan approval. Firstly, check your credit report for any discrepancies and get them rectified. There are also other ways to improve your credit score, such as closing all pending loans or credit on time, not taking multiple loans at a time, and more.

With a good credit score, you will also have a chance to enjoy favourable personal loan interest rates when you reapply for the loan.

3. Apply for a lower amount

Additional Read: This is How You Can Avoid Your Personal Loan Application From Being Rejected

If income is the reason for your loan application’s rejection, reassess your personal loan eligibility. Meaning, reapply for a lower principal amount. This lowers your risk profile for the lender and can improve your chances of approval.

4. Ensure you submit the right documents

Applying for a loan means you have to submit basic documentation such as identity proof, income proof, address proof, and employment proof. If you do not furnish all the right documents, your loan application may be declined.

So, another important thing to ensure is to see that all documents are submitted on time with 100% transparency.

Additional Read: Things To Do If Your Personal Loan Gets Declined

Over to you

Even if your loan application has been turned down multiple times, you can experience success by simply doing things differently. Switch lenders if you must but remember that all hope is not lost for you.

To bag market-beating interest rates and high repayment flexibility, choose Tata Capital. Our loans come with minimal documentation requirements and can be customised according to your needs. We give you a smooth digital application process – all you have to do is submit your documents and wait for approval.

Use our free online personal loan EMI calculator and start your loan journey with Tata Capital today.

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