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Tata Capital > Blog > Personal Use Loan > 4 Reasons to Go for a Personal Loan Balance Transfer with Tata Capital in 2023

Personal Use Loan

4 Reasons to Go for a Personal Loan Balance Transfer with Tata Capital in 2023

4 Reasons to Go for a Personal Loan Balance Transfer with Tata Capital in 2023

Are you looking to switch lenders due to unfavourable loan conditions? Well, you can easily relieve your loan burden with a quick personal loan balance transfer. In a nutshell, a balance transfer facility allows you to transfer your outstanding principal amount to a different lender, preferably one offering low-interest rates and flexible repayment options.

If you’re stuck with a lender who won’t relax loan terms for you, turn to Tata Capital. With our easy balance transfer facility, you can quickly get out of an unfruitful loan relationship and pay the rest of your loan with ease.

Not convinced? We give you four compelling reasons to pick Tata Capital for transferring your personal loan balance.

1. You get a lower interest rate

Interest rates are naturally your top priority when it comes to choosing a lender. Maybe this is why you picked your current lender in the first place. However, if you find the interest rates offered by them to be high, a balance transfer with Tata Capital can help you. With our competitive personal loan interest rates, you can ease your financial burden to a great extent and save more.

2. You get additional credit

Financial emergencies strike with little notice. In such scenarios, you might face an urgent cash requirement. Even so, since you already have a loan in your name, getting another one can be difficult.

That’s where Tata Capital comes in. By transferring your personal loan balance to us, you can avail of our top-up facility. This will allow you to add extra funds on top of your existing loan amount. As a result, you won’t have to struggle to get a second loan, nor would you have to tap into your savings.

Additional Read: Top Scenarios When Personal Loan Balance Transfer Sounds a Fruitful Option to Avail

3. You enjoy a tenure of your choice

Migrating to Tata Capital will also give you the power to renegotiate your loan terms. You can opt for a longer tenure than before to reduce the immediate EMI burden. However, it may cost you relatively more in the long run. You can also shorten your tenure if you wish to close the loan early. Reducing your term may help you save on the extra long-term interest by increasing your immediate EMI amount.

4. You enjoy unparalleled services

Apart from our attractive interest rates and flexible loan terms, you also get to enjoy Tata Capital’s exceptional service and support. Getting a loan is a breeze, thanks to our minimal paperwork requirement, easy personal loan eligibility, and seamless application process.

Additional Read: How to Apply for a Personal Loan Balance Transfer?

In Summary

Undoubtedly, a balance transfer can offer a ton of value, especially if you’re tackling higher interest rates and strict loan terms. At Tata Capital, you can put all your repayment worries to rest.

Tune in to our website today to check out our personal loan refinancing services.

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