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Tata Capital > Blog > Personal Use Loan > All You Need to Know about Personal Loan Agreement

Personal Use Loan

All You Need to Know about Personal Loan Agreement

All You Need to Know about Personal Loan Agreement

Whether it be funding a dream holiday, a medical emergency, a destination wedding, or electronics purchase, a personal loan can act as a cushion for all your financial needs. And, an important document that makes availing personal finance smoothly for both parties – lender and borrower, is the personal loan agreement.

What is a personal loan agreement?

In a nutshell, this agreement states that you, as the loan borrower have agreed to repay in full the principal amount to the official lender as per the terms laid down.

Here’s why you need a personal finance agreement

Availing personal finance, especially when there’s a significant amount involved and the loan is taken for a couple of years is a big commitment. And as such, both parties need to know that their interests stay protected.

It is always safer to have a loan agreement that clearly defines the boundaries. This agreement details what is being loaned and when precisely, the borrower is expected to repay in full and everything in between.

This way, the borrower can take steps in advance to avoid loan defaults. Hence, it is advisable to carefully go through the agreement document before applying for personal finance.

Personal loan agreement format

The format must consist of all the basic information regarding the two parties involved. There will be a section that details everything about the lender, such as their name and authorisation. A borrower’s section will then include all details about the loan borrower, such as their legal name, full address, job status, and more.

Once the basic details have been covered, the following details related to the loan must be included –

  • Loan amount and duration

The agreement document needs to clearly define the amount that has been borrowed, which is also known as the principal amount. The document will also state the period for which the amount has been borrowed or the loan tenure.

Additional Read: How to Choose the Best Personal Loan for Needs?

  • Interest clause

This component of the loan contract specifies the personal loan interest rate the lender will charge. Along with that, the rate of penal interest or additional charges involved on loan defaults will also be specified under the interest clause.

  • Repayment clause

The repayment clause specifies the nature of the loan repayment as well as the amount. Normally, lenders allow periodic payments in the form of EMI or Equal Monthly Instalments; the same has to be defined under this clause.

  • Prepayment means early payment of loans. The prepayment clause will include the penalty charges involved Prepayment clause

in case of a prepayment. Such charges protect the lender against losses of interest payments.

Additional Read: Ways to Plan Personal Loan EMI Repayment Smartly

Want to avail a personal loan from a lender of high repute? Contact Tata Capital! We offer interest rates as low as 10.99% on apersonal loan for self-employed and salaried individuals.

In addition to this, our personal loan eligibility criteria are relaxed, and we offer loan customization to suit your budgetary needs.

Before applying for finance with us, you can also log on to our website and use our personal loan EMI calculator to plan your loan in advance. To know more, get in touch today!

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