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Tata Capital > Blog > Personal Use Loan > Common Mistakes to Avoid When You Renovate Your Home

Personal Use Loan

Common Mistakes to Avoid When You Renovate Your Home

Common Mistakes to Avoid When You Renovate Your Home

Renovating your house can enhance the aesthetic appeal of your abode while increasing its market value- but getting it right can often be tricky. There’s plenty of room for things to go wrong, and even the tiniest of mistakes can end up setting you back by quite an amount. Before you start planning the renovation, here is a list of common mistakes you must keep in mind to avoid.

Fixing an unrealistic budget

After reading countless articles on the internet and consulting friends, you may still underestimate the funds you need for renovation. Create a plan for what you can reasonably afford and talk to your contractor about your budget. But you have to love where you live, and so it isn’t wrong to stretch your budget a little. Fret not, you have ample help with Tata Capital’s personal loans for home renovation as you get a high loan amount to cover your renovation needs, starting at Rs.75,000 and interest rates starting at 11.25%!

Getting the cheapest contractor

As contractors get expensive, it is difficult to find one that does a good job while being affordable. No doubt, you’ll be investing a good sum on renovating your home, and so it’s important to find a contractor delivers and does so on time. When you choose the cheapest option on the market, you compromise on quality and timely delivery in your quest to save a few bucks. Instead, apply for a personal loan to take care of the expenses, so you can spend without having to worry about funding the work.

Handling too much at once

Remodelling your house is indeed exciting, and you might want different aspects of your project to be done quickly. You might want every corner of your house to look new, but there’s no hurry. Think about which part of your house you’d love to invest the most on and prioritize. If you spend a lot of time in the living room, there isn’t a need to spend a lot on the kitchen. In a nutshell, consider tackle one segment at a time, work it out well, and then move on to the next instead of trying to do it all at once.

Going for an unrealistic timeline

It is natural to be excited about your house’s all-new look but as they say, good things take time. In a renovation project, delays are bound to occur. Sudden surprises, no doubt, can impact your final project’s end date. Always have an approximate timeline in mind, but don’t have an unrealistic date if you want to save yourself some disappointment. Moreover, work done in a hurry will never live up to your expectations.

Avoiding these common mistakes will save you from adding to your renovation bills. Apply for a personal loan online at Tata Capital and get quick approval with minimal documentation. With easy personal loan repayment options and competitive interest rates, building your dream house is easy.

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