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Tata Capital > Blog > Personal Use Loan > How To Check CIBIL Score With Your PAN Card

Personal Use Loan

How To Check CIBIL Score With Your PAN Card

How To Check CIBIL Score With Your PAN Card

Check Your CIBIL Score with Pan Card

If you want to see your CIBIL score for free using your PAN card, make sure you have a valid and original PAN card. A PAN card is a government-approved ID that’s connected to your money-related activities and taxes. You can freely check and get your CIBIL report or score using your PAN card, which won’t impact your credit score. If you’re curious about getting your free CIBIL score with regular updates, keep reading!

Steps to check CIBIL Score using Pan Card

To check your CIBIL score with your PAN card, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Go to the home page, on the right side you will find “Free Credit Score” Click on it.
Step 2: Click on “New Customer”
Step 3: Enter basic details such as Name, Mobile Number, PAN card details, etc.
Step 4: Click on “Get Free Credit Report”

Importance of PAN Card in Checking CIBIL Score

The significance of PAN in determining CIBIL score is as follows:

  • PAN is a one-of-a-kind alphanumeric code which may serve as proof of identification for an Indian citizen. Checking CIBIL credit rating with PAN, therefore, improves security.
  • It is connected to users’ banking statements and tax payments, and PAN makes it easier for CIBIL to compile the credit score by using the financial details.
  • It is also required to connect PAN card with Aadhaar card. Using PAN card to verify the CIBIL score aids in identifying individuals who have loans from several institutions.

Considerations When Using a PAN Card to Check Credit Score

Keep the following tips in mind when verifying CIBIL grade with PAN:

  • A PAN card is required to obtain the CIBIL report.
  • The CIBIL score can be checked for free if the PAN Card is used. 
  • Users will need a membership to check their credit score using their PAN card many times each year.
  • If users lose their PAN card & apply for a duplicate, their credit score would not be impacted.

A PAN card serves as both an identification verification and a critical financial tool. Above everything, using a PAN card to verify the CIBIL score is now mandatory. Therefore, follow the above procedures to calculate the CIBIL score using PAN.

Effects of PAN Change on CIBIL Score

If the PAN card is stolen or destroyed and users demand a replacement, it will not affect their CIBIL/Credit score because the PAN number will stay the same. Nevertheless, if users have two different PAN cards, it is best to surrender one to prevent complications.

Obtaining a new PAN Card may also have an influence on a user’s CIBIL score. This is because their credit score depends on their credit history linked to their current PAN card. If users register for a new PAN, the TransUnion CIBIL databases will likely raise a red signal on their account.


A PAN Card is required to verify one’s CIBIL score. Whenever users request a loan or a credit card, their CIBIL score is the crucial factor that every lender looks at. It demonstrates a borrower’s creditworthiness and ability to repay the obligation on schedule. A high credit score boosts their chances of having their loan application accepted. Users may check their CIBIL score with their PAN card and receive monthly reports. Check out this page from TATA Capital to check credit score.

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