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Tata Capital > Blog > Personal Use Loan > How to Make Your Home Monsoon Ready In 2024

Personal Use Loan

How to Make Your Home Monsoon Ready In 2024

How to Make Your Home Monsoon Ready In 2024

Let’s face it; the first rain showers are a welcome sight after a punishing and blistering summer. Just the thought of sipping tea with your favourite assortment of snacks while watching the sheets of rain pass by fills you with joy.

However, a heavy downpour and elevated levels of moisture can damage your home. So, to avoid dealing with chipping paint and leakage, get your pre-monsoon maintenance done.

Here are some home renovation for monsoon tips to help you shield your beloved home.

Varnish your furniture

Timber tends to react aggressively to humidity, which the monsoon provides in excess. Aside from making your precious furniture and doors lose their attractive shape and form, excess moisture can make the wood vulnerable to pests and termites.

In such a scenario, the best thing to do is apply a fresh coat of lacquer/varnish to prevent the wood from swelling. Also, remember not to clean the furniture with a wet cloth. If the damage is already done, you’ll have to replace the door or the woodwork.

Fill in the cracks and leaks

Once the monsoon sets in, it’s challenging to repair any leaks, as sealants don’t dry in time due to excessive moisture. Therefore, to avoid leaky windows and ceilings throughout the season, fix everything well before the arrival of the first showers.

Start with a quick inspection of all ceilings, windows, and walls to ensure no cracks or fissures exist. If you do spot one, contact a professional to get it fixed immediately. Doing so will keep the rains at bay and prevent your paint from chipping away and your furniture from bloating up.

Additional Read: Monsoon Can Harm Your House. Here’s How to Deal With its Side-Effects

Electrical checks

Electrical wires are major danger zones during monsoon. These wires get damp due to the moisture, which increases the possibilities of short circuits. It can cause irreparable damage to your appliances and also poses a threat to your life. Therefore, fool-proof wiring is essential for a monsoon-ready home.

Get all wiring in your home checked by a professional. Also, if you have unattended wires around your home, replace them with high-quality components.


Replacing your home’s wiring or varnishing your furniture may put a considerable dent in your savings. So, to navigate the renovation costs, fund your repairs and refurbishing by taking a home renovation loan. It allows you to divide the large expenses into easily repayable EMIs.

But, before approaching a lender, remember to check their eligibility terms online. With Tata Capital, you can get a personal loan for home renovation at relaxed eligibility criteria.

Additional Read: Seven ways to protect your home this monsoon

Over to you

Ready for a little pre-monsoon home renovation? Let Tata Capital accompany you as you tend to your home’s repair and maintenance needs. Get maximum repayment flexibility, attractive personal loan interest rates, and an easy application process.

Moreover, you don’t have to put down collateral to avail of a personal loan amount of up to Rs. 25 lakhs. Enjoy long loan tenures of up to 6 years.

So, what are you waiting for? Use our personal loan EMI calculator and plan your EMIs. Connect today!

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