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Tata Capital > Blog > Personal Use Loan > Top Factors Why PMJAY Kendra is The Need of The Hour of 2021 in India

Personal Use Loan

Top Factors Why PMJAY Kendra is The Need of The Hour of 2021 in India

Top Factors Why PMJAY Kendra is The Need of The Hour of 2021 in India

Affordable healthcare services are instrumental in ensuring that India emerges on the other side of the Covid-19 pandemic. And in the past few years, the Government of India has introduced several schemes to make quality medical facilities accessible for the economically weaker population.

The Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi Kendra, also called PMJAY Kendra, aims to reduce the out of pocket expenses on medicines, diagnostics, etc., for all. So, let us have a look at how PMJAY Kendra benefits Indians and holds significance in 2021.

What is PM-JAY Kendra?

The scheme, launched in 2008, focuses on offering the following at reasonable prices:

  • Pharmaceutical drugs
  • Surgical consumables

The PMJAY stores stock medicines and other medical supplies and sell them at subsidised rates to beneficiaries.

The government intends to open at least one PMJAY Kendra in each of the 630 districts. Widely distributed affordable drug stores can help the rural population and the economically weaker sections of society gain access to quality medicines at low prices.

Presently, over 6,300 outlets, more than 900 medications, and 174 kinds of surgical items are available through PMJAY Kendra. The government is pushing to increase the medicines to 2000, stores to 10,000, and surgical consumables to 300 by 2024 under the scheme.

Additional Read: What is Pradhan Mantri Jan Aushadhi Kendra and How to Apply for It

How can the PMJAY Kendra help India in 2021?

Given that the coronavirus pandemic is still raging, access to affordable medication that manages viral symptoms and post-COVID complications must be readily available. And, affordable medicine through the Jan Aushadi Kendra, 2021 needs with urgency!

In addition to starting new stores and supplying more medicines, the government is also encouraging people to buy affordable medicines. Why, yes! The government is making the common public aware of generic medicines through education programmes.

The focus is also to inform that costly medications are not necessarily synonymous with high quality. And with guidance from medical practitioners, more people are opting for generic medicines.

Moreover, the PMJAY Kendra stock other healthcare-related products as well. The stores now proffer all generic medications that are commonly used and cover several therapeutic groups.

This makes it easier for people with treatable ailments to get help and not succumb to their sickness simply because they couldn’t afford medication.

Additional Read: How to Choose the Best Personal Loan for Needs?


There isn’t an iota of doubt that the PMJAY Kendra can revolutionise affordable healthcare. If you want to open one, you must own or have a leased 250 sq ft. shop with proper legal documents.

Doctors and healthcare professionals can open a PMJAY Kendra or store by applying on the official BPPI or Bureau of Pharma PSUs of India website. BPPI is India’s regulating body for PMJAY Kendras.

Do you want to open a PMJAY pharma store and require funds to do the same? Turn to Tata Capital – India’s leading financial institution. We extend personal loan for medical professionals at flexible repayments terms, with minimal documentation and speedy funds disbursal.

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