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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Travel > Enjoy Monsoon Season in These Tropical Asian Countries

Loan for Travel

Enjoy Monsoon Season in These Tropical Asian Countries

Enjoy Monsoon Season in These Tropical Asian Countries

The monsoon season is a one-of-a-kind experience in Asia. The raindrops in the ASEAN region will let you fathom the true essence of the landscape’s majestic beauty. Though countries like the UK experience a lot of rain, it is nothing compared to the scenic beauty that South Asian countries witness. For instance, the monsoon season experienced by the Indian state of Kerala is breathtaking. 

If you’re looking to visit Asia to experience the monsoons, then here are some of the best places to visitYou can apply for a travel loan from Tata Capital to explore these beautiful countries. 


The rainy season arrives in Bangkok between June and October. In Chiang Mai, it comes slightly early; typically in May. Koh Samui gets its monsoon between the months of October and December, while Phuket expects the rains between May to October. The rainstorms are furious, which is accompanied by loud thunder and heavy lightning. Nevertheless, the scenic beauty of Thailand doubles during the monsoons and it is arguably one of the most beautiful countries one can visit during this season.


Cambodia is one of the countries that will give you the best experience if you’re looking to take a trip during the monsoons. In Cambodia, the rains arrive suddenly even as the sun is at its peak. Generally, the mornings are hot and the skies are clear. In the afternoon, the rain clouds gather and around sunset, there is a powdery drizzle. By morning, the clouds disappear, and the weather becomes balmy. 


The rainy season in Vietnam’s Ho Chi Minh City is from May to November, while in Hanoi it is from May to September. Flooding is infrequent here and the rainstorms do not stay for very long. The monsoons in Vietnam are very different from any other South Asian countries.


The weather is very unpredictable in Singapore, but it is still a lovely country to visit during the monsoons. Due to its close proximity to the tropics, it rains practically every day in Singapore. 


India is a vast country with different geographical landscapes that experience monsoons different from each other. During the monsoons, the country is surrounded by greenery and it’s a definite must-visit destination in Asia. 

According to various travel guides, everyone should witness the Indian monsoons once. To travel easily without worrying about the funds, you can also apply for a travel loan. Tata capital would be a suitable partner to procure a travel loan. They provide reliable and secure loans at great terms and conditions. Book your tour packages to Asia today!