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Tata Capital > Blog > Personal Use Loan > Want to plan a dream vacation? Here’s how

Personal Use Loan

Want to plan a dream vacation? Here’s how

Want to plan a dream vacation? Here’s how

The best travellers aren’t those who have the fattest wallets, but those who plan a vacation efficiently and immaculately. One might jet off to a dream travel destination with a free spirit, but with no real itinerary and return home full of complaints about how stressful and expensive the entire trip was. On the contrary, if an individual travels with accurate information and a detailed itinerary, he or she will return home enriched with experiences consisting of spontaneous adventures.

Vacation season is almost upon us, and there are high chances that you are looking forward to visiting the most beautiful places in the world. Although vacations are supposed to be rejuvenating, sometimes it can be a bit difficult to balance the various aspects involved in vacation planning. Don’t let that happen to you! With a little preparation, you can have the perfect vacation.

Here we are with a detailed guide on how you can plan a successful vacation to your dream holiday destination.

Wisely choose your dream holiday destination

This inquiry might strike some people as the most absurd ever. After all, you’ve been daydreaming about your dream holiday destination for most of your life. However, the solution is virtually unattainable for some because you want to visit every location. Therefore, making a list of your top 10 dream vacation spots is the first stage, after which you should follow the steps below:


You can probably visit many beaches and rainforests if you enjoy tropical weather. However, you will need to hunt for somewhere in the mountains if you want to stay chilly. The good thing is that there are so many different climates to experience, from mild to intense, so you may travel comfortably by researching the climate of your dream vacation spot in advance.

Your interests

To choose the best dream travel destination for a vacation, consider what you would like to do daily. You might prefer lengthy treks and canopy tours, or you might be an avid surfer or diver. To escape the bustle, make sure to search for alternative locations that provide greater deals and the ability


Take into account how safe your chosen dream travel destination is. While having an adventure is fun, spending your vacation feeling uncomfortable and bewildered in a new location is not the ideal way to spend your time off. And safety becomes even more crucial if you are a solo female traveller, so do thorough research.

From your list of the top 10 dream destinations you prepared initially, you can filter out the best destination based on these points.

Tips on planning the budget for your travel plan

For a lot of individuals, budgeting is the biggest nightmare when it comes to planning a trip. However, it is the first and most crucial step in the planning process. Budgeting for a trip can give you peace of mind, especially if the schedule for the trip is long. Your destination is the main determinant for your budget. For instance, if you are travelling to South East Asia, you will need lesser funds than if you were to travel through Europe. The destination is a huge determinant of how you need to plan your budget for the trip.

Your budget also depends on your travel style. You can save money by staying in shared accommodations like hostels and couch surfing. This allows you to splurge on activities like scuba diving, bungee jumping, rock climbing etc. Whether you are an expert traveller or a novice, you can travel the world without breaking the bank.

Here are a few steps you can consider while planning the budget for a trip to the best places in the world.

Estimate your expenses for transportation, meals and accommodation

Once you have figured out your dream travel destination, explore various websites to find the approximate local cost of living and commuting. You can look for hotel rates or explore alternatives like Airbnb where you can book short-term apartment rentals and experience life as a local. If you are travelling to Europe, get rail passes to save money.

Assess your priorities

One of the most crucial rules applicable to your travel budget is flexibility. You have to be strict with your expenditure to ensure that you don’t run out of money halfway through the trip or return home to a massive credit card bill. Pre-planning will save penny-pinching and prevent you from worrying about being ripped off.

Include vaccinations and visa expenditure

In order to plan a trip effectively, you have to keep the basic essentials in mind. Many travellers dismiss travel insurance as an unnecessary expense. Travel insurance is not a luxury item. It provides indispensable coverage during travels. Visa requirements can be clarified from the official government website.

Opt for a travel loan

Getting a travel loan is easy. No time is wasted in drafting mortgage documents and finishing other formalities. The money directly gets transferred to your account with just a few clicks. The administrative costs are also low. Travel loans have fixed EMIs and remain static throughout the term.

Additional Read: Tips On Planning Your Budget For Your Dream Vacation

Check out which type of accommodation suits your vacation

Holiday rentals, hotels, Airbnbs are just some of the many options available for holiday accommodation. Each option has its advantages. Here is a list of a few pointers you should keep in mind while choosing the best accommodations during your visit to the most beautiful places in the world.

  • The quality of hotels will depend on the number of stars. These usually range from 1 to 5.
  • While you can book a hotel room directly through the website, you can also opt for booking agencies. These agencies can provide you with attractive offers which you can compare and pick the option best suited to your needs. Having a rough idea about the nearby tourist attractions and their distance from your hotel is a good idea.
  • You can also opt for furnished holiday rentals since they are equipped with various amenities. Many holiday rentals consist of a kitchen, a shower room, toilets and one or more bedrooms. Some also feature a swimming pool which can be rejuvenating for you after a hectic day.
  • Often bed linen is not provided free of charge at the holiday rentals. It can be supplied in exchange for a surcharge. It is always a good idea to bring your own sheets, towels and tea towels.
  • Bed and breakfast hotels are quite appropriate for those who want to stay for short durations. Meals are usually served in the dining room.
  • Campsites can offer a plethora of services. Their star ratings range between 1 to 4. They are often strategically placed at convenient locations and are best suited for adventure trips.

Read More– About The Best Suited Accommodation For Your Perfect Travel Plan

A perfect travel guide for vacations with best friends

A vacation with your best friends should be action-packed, fun and unforgettable. You are bound to create so many memories together. Consider the following when evaluating if your best friend can become your best travelling companion.

  • Do you enjoy being with this friend in a variety of situations?
  • Do you have similar interests and tastes?
  • Will your dietary preferences match well?
  • Do you both like engaging in similar activities?

After taking all these points into consideration, you can pick your tribe and plan the perfect vacation to the best places in the world. However, it is also important to remember that as fun as a solo trip is in itself, the key to creating a lifetime of memories lies in taking such trips with good friends. When everybody is on the same page, there is no greater joy or relaxant than taking a trip with your friends.

So, choose wisely.

Agree on budgets

It is important to be aware of the financial situations and preferences of everybody who is a part of the trip. It is equally important to figure out the spending capacity of each person. During the planning phase, a middle ground should be established between the person who wants to enjoy lavishly during a trip and the one who prefers to travel modestly. This ensures that everyone is on the same wavelength when it comes to dividing travel expenses.

For various groups, a trip fund can work well. Everyone contributes equally towards it for shared travel expenses such as lodging and transportation. In case, the travel fund runs low, everyone would chip in an equal amount again.

Take suggestions from a trip advisor

Everyone wants to visit the best places to travel in the world. If one person takes on the mammoth task of planning the trip, they may end up resenting the burden. Planning a trip with an individual who has different preferences and choices can be complicated. This is where a trip advisor comes to the fore. Trip advisors suggest out-of-the-box ideas that can supplement your trip itinerary.

Additional Read: A Guide To Go On A Perfect Vacation With Your Best Friends

Different funding options available to fund your dream vacation

We all deserve to get away from the rigmarole of our daily lives with a good vacation. Most of us have our dream vacations planned. However, there is just one small glitch; we struggle to save funds for turning this dream into a reality. Interestingly, saving up for an international holiday is much tougher than putting some money aside from your income every month. Here is a list of some tips on how you can fund your dream holiday to the best European countries.

Manage your daily expenses

You do not have to stop making weekend plans with your friends. All you need to do is get smart about daily expenses. In other words, you have to save a decent amount of money while developing healthy lifestyle habits. For instance, you can save a substantial amount by switching to an economical mobile phone plan.

Keep an eye on discounts

Saving on your shopping expenses is a good way to ensure that you are able to fund your dream vacation. These days, online shopping portals offer huge discounts almost daily. Ignoring these prompts can help you save big. Even while doing your grocery shopping, if you are alert enough, you will find a plethora of good deals and discounts. Coupons earned on transactions can also help you to manage your expenses.

Plan wisely

While you may read travelogues regularly, you need to plan every detail in a wise-manner. For instance, the time-period of your vacation can have a huge impact on your budget. Try to plan while it in the off-season so that the fares and hotel prices are not hiked to unreasonable amounts. Book your flights at least three months in advance, so that the fares are affordable.

Avoid paying any late fees and incurring extra charges

Remember to pay all your credit card bills and EMIs on time so that you don’t have to pay late charges or additional interest on your expenses.

Opting for travel loans

Travel loans should be considered as a traveler’s best friend. There are various travel loans which can meet all your travel needs. The interest rates are also affordable. However, use personal loan EMI calculator before applying for their personal travel loan. TATA Capital’s Travel Loan has been designed to make your vacation easy to undertake and worthwhile.

Read MoreOn The Different Ways To Fund Your Travel Plan

Tips for creating the perfect travel itinerary

A travel itinerary usually comprises of all the elements of a trip, from destinations to hotel stops. A good itinerary planner always makes use of subtle elements to make his or her traveling experience worthwhile. Here are some tips for creating a perfect travel itinerary.

  • Collect important information for your trip. Hotels, flight numbers, restaurant reservations, etc., are all key pointers which you should keep in mind.
  • If you are travelling with more than one person, be sure to get feedback and ideas regarding your destinations.
  • Map your stops. Always include the things that will come handy while travelling abroad. Be sure to have maps of all the local areas which you are going to visit.
  • You have to give due importance to the creation of a budget. Travelling to the best places in the world usually takes a lot of budget planning.

Additional Read: How To Create The Perfect Travel Itinerary?

How can you ensure that you stick to your travel budget?

The length of your itinerary while visiting the best places in the world will depend on how you have allocated the budget. However, once the budget has been mapped out, it is important to stick to it. There are numerous ways of cutting down spontaneous and unnecessary expenses. Here are some tips to ensure that being on a tight budget does not reduce the magic of the trip:

  • Allocate a daily travel budget and try your best not to cross this threshold.
  • Track your spendings using a budget app. It will help you to stay organised and updated.
  • As far as possible, try to prepare your own meals or repurpose the leftovers from when you dine out or order food in.
  • Experience the local lifestyle by opting for feasible commute options. Eat out at authentic local restaurants which might not be as fancy as the 5-star tourist attractions.

Additional Read: Top Things That Will Come Handy While Travelling Abroad

Last words:

It is important to keep in mind the miscellaneous parts of the budget. Allocating a separate amount for unforeseen expenditure, sudden medical emergencies, contingency flights etc. should be a priority for you. It is also important to do thorough research before planning a trip, especially if it is a foreign trip.

Check the ideal season and narrow down the destination according to that. This is because taking a trip during the off-season can help you minimise your expenses substantially. A healthy way to travel would be to go tech-free. Although in today’s day and age, doing so is not possible in its entirety. However, try to cut off from the virtual world as you enjoy and absorb the natural one.

Our current fast-paced and demanding lives increase the value of taking a good vacation to a dream travel destination exponentially. These trips become a source of refreshment, away from the daily turmoil of life. Hence, if you want to go on a vacation, don’t let the lack of planning and cash crunch hold you back. Plan ahead, plan well and take that much-awaited vacation today!