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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Travel > Why Should the Pandemic Not Ruin Your Special Trip to Dubai Expo 2020?

Loan for Travel

Why Should the Pandemic Not Ruin Your Special Trip to Dubai Expo 2020?

Why Should the Pandemic Not Ruin Your Special Trip to Dubai Expo 2020?

If you were looking for exciting places to travel, Dubai Expo 2020 would have been one of the top destinations on your list! After all, itwas well on its way to becoming a highly sought-after international event this year.

But, things did not go on as scheduled, because of the Coronavirus catastrophe. Although, the good news is that this event will now be held from October 1, 2021, to March 31, 2022, giving the organisers enough time to prepare, and ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all attendees.

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What is the Dubai Expo 2020?

This event is next in the series of world expos, which are international events of gigantic scale and reach. These are held once every five years and go on for 6 months. Hundreds of countries participate every year. It is a platform for people from all over the world to come together and learn from each other, share ideas, and innovate. But at the same time, it is a festival and an extravaganza where people can come and have a good time.

Thetheme of Dubai Expo 2020 is ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future’.  It is the first World Expo ever to be held in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia (MEASA) region. It is also the first to be hosted by an Arab country. 192 countries are going to participate, and over a million people are expected to visit.

Even if you are facing a financial setback because of the COVID-19 pandemic, you could take a personal loan to travel for financing your trip. Use a personal loan EMI calculator to explore your loan affordability.

Why visit the Expo?

Each country participating in the Expo will have a dedicated pavilion where you can learn about the history of the country and experience the culture, architecture, music, and food that hails from that nation. You will also get to see interactive installations and artworks by local and global talents.

There will be live shows every day, including operas, flash mobs, pop-up theatres, sports events and even national day celebrations. Tech enthusiasts can experience robotics, autonomous vehicles, augmented reality and even simulated space explorations.

The Expo will have something for everyone, and one day is certainly not enough to experience it all. To help finance an extended trip, use a travel loan calculator and borrow accordingly.

Additional Read: Travelling in the New Normal – Detailed Guide About Post Lockdown Travel

What safety measures are the authorities taking for visitors?

If you are planning a trip to Dubai Expo 2020, you need not worry about the safety measures. The organizers are adhering to all international guidelines. Some of the safety measures in place include:

  • Increased sanitization and cleaning of all facilities and surfaces.
  • Thermal cameras to be installed for monitoring.
  • Hand sanitizers provided at all entrances and in corridors.
  • Representatives assigned to handle suspected Coronavirus symptoms.
  • Open buffets to be suspended.
  • Social distancing to be maintained.
  • World-class medical facilities will be available on-site.
  • On-site ambulances and a fully operational helipad located immediately outside.

Even if you don’t have enough funds to spare, you can still plan a vacation with travel loans from Tata Capital. We offer quick trip finance at attractive travel loan interest rates, customisable repayment terms, and minimal documentation. 

So, log on to our website, use our holiday loan calculator and evaluate your EMI affordability. For more information, visit our website or give us a call today!