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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Travel > Winter Sports you Must Try When you Visit Norway

Loan for Travel

Winter Sports you Must Try When you Visit Norway

Winter Sports you Must Try When you Visit Norway

Norway and winter sports are almost synonymous. There are plenty of fun and adventurous activities to pursue in the snowy landscape of the country. For many travel enthusiasts out there, choosing to avail a travel loan is a worthwhile option when planning an exciting holiday like one to Norway. With the help of a travel loan, you can make the most of all that this beautiful country offers. You could also apply for personal loan to tackle any last-minute changes in your budget. 

Here is a list of different winter sports you can enjoy in Norway. Take a look:

Discover your inner child while you take a ride on a sledge

Speeding down icy slopes on sledges is as fun for adults as it is for children. It is truly one of the most adventurous activities you can indulge in when in Norway. Interestingly, from southern Norway to northern Norway, several sledge operators are always ready to welcome tourists. You will find a plethora of ski resorts here. 

Fishing in the snow is a whole lot of fun

Norway comprises of an array of lakes and ponds, making it ideal for tourists to indulge in some good old fishing. While most of the lakes and rivers are frozen in winter, it doesn’t mean you cannot choose to go fishing. Drill a hole, throw the line into the water and wait. 

Snowshoes can make you feel as if you are walking on clouds

Surely, you must have wondered how it feels to walk on clouds. With snowshoes, you will be able to cruise through the white landscape without any problems. And this experience will be barely any different. However, ensure that you join a guided hiking tour and enjoy the crisp winter air and white mountains. 

Enjoy the Norwegian tradition of skating

Norway has a long tradition of skating. Here, you will find an abundance of outdoor skating rinks. In winter, you can go skating on the many frozen lakes, rivers and fjords. Make sure you choose a guided tour, though. 

A relaxing sleigh ride

You can also opt for a relaxing sleigh ride in Norway. It will be an experience to remember as a horse pulls you through the scenic snow-covered villages here. The sounds of the sleigh’s bells and the beat of the horse’s hooves are sure to thrill your senses. 

Opt for a travel loan from Tata Capital when planning a holiday to Norway. Even a personal loan from Tata Capital will help you enjoy your visit to this gorgeous land thoroughly. When you apply for personal loan from Tata Capital, you will be pleased to note the flexible EMI options available. Make sure you assess your personal loan eligibility to smoothen the loan application process.