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Tata Capital > Blog > What’s Trending > How to Make a Credit Score Calendar for Building a Good Credit Score

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How to Make a Credit Score Calendar for Building a Good Credit Score

How to Make a Credit Score Calendar for Building a Good Credit Score

Did you know: your credit report and score change every time you take a credit card, apply for a loan, miss a credit card bill payment, miss an EMI, or with time itself as your credit lines age? Yes!

You probably track your health, expenses and have a daily journal. So, why not keep track of your credit report and scoreand see if everything is in order? 

By regularly checking your credit report score, you can take measures to maintain it, correct any errors, and have smooth sailing with your loans and credit card applications. So here are some tips you can use to design your personal tracker, i.e., your credit score calendar.

Step 1: Select a monthly date

Pick a monthly date to check your credit report and score without fail. So, if you check credit score on 11 December, repeat this process on the 11th of every month. By doing this, you will be able to monitor your score regularly. 

You can use Tata Capital’s free online tool to check your credit score, just using your PAN. 

Additional Read – All You Need to Know About CIBIL Score

Step 2: Outline your checkpoints

Make a list of what to look for in your credit report. In this way, you won’t miss any significant changes. For example, your checklist can look something like this: 

  • Note if the value of your score has changed and record it. 
  • Scan the report for any errors or discrepancies. 
  • Read each section of the credit report again. 
  • Note the factors that have affected your score. 

Step 3: Plan out your credit applications

Using your credit score calendaryou can estimate the dateswhen you plan to apply for loans or credit cards. 

Suppose you currently have a score of 700, but you want to raise it to 750 to increase your chances of loan approval. So, what you can do is push your application date. Next month, you see that it has crossed 720, so you can set your application date to the end of the upcoming month. So, keep an eye on your score every month and postpone your application until it reaches 750.

Step 4: Review and update the tracker quarterly 

To assess the helpfulness of your monthly tracker is, you should evaluate it every three months. 

Calculate how much your credit score has increased since you started maintaining your calendar and tracing it regularly. See how many times you have spotted and rectified errors. By revising your plan, you can think of additional points to consider including in your checklist.

Additional Read – Tips to Improve Personal Loan Credit Score

Final thoughts

If you checked your score and want to boost it, here are some credit score tipsfor you: 

  1. Repay all your outstanding debts as soon as you can.
  2. Ensure timely EMI repayments.
  3. Keep your credit utilisation ratio under 30%. 
  4. Refer to your calendar often and correct any errors. 

Take the first step towards tracking your financial health today. Download your free credit report and score online and plan out your calendar.