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Tata Capital > Blog > Loan for Vehicle > Things to Look at While Choosing an Electric Vehicle

Loan for Vehicle

Things to Look at While Choosing an Electric Vehicle

Things to Look at While Choosing an Electric Vehicle

Believe it or not, electric vehicles are indeed the future of mobility. Why? Because in contrast to vehicles powered by gasoline-diesel, they are cost-effective, environment friendly, easy to maintain and play a vital role in reducing noise pollution.

If you’ve been interested in buying an electric bike for a while, now will be the perfect time to take the next step. Not sure how to choose an electric two-wheeler? Well, we got you covered! Check out some expert tips below.

#1 Bike range

One of our top tips to choose an E-bike is to look at its range – how far can it travel on a single charge? While deciding the range, figure out the purpose you need the E-bike to solve. Answer questions like does your day involve a heavy or light commute? If, indeed, your goal is to take the bike around town for daily work, a 70km range should be enough.

#2 Battery quality

The battery is your e-bike’s fuel. Therefore, your bike is only as good as the battery. It would be best to go for a variant that uses a lithium-ion battery with a long charge capacity and a substantial lifespan. Not to mention, the battery type used in the bike also makes a difference in its performance. Simply put, lithium-ion batteries would be excellent for your E-bike as they take anywhere between 2 to 6 hours to fully charge and let you travel an entire day without needing any recharges.

Additional Read: Electric Bikes & Scooters in India 2021

#3 Price range

Electric vehicles typically carry a lithium-ion battery and come with complex electric circuitry, which can drive up their total cost. However, several options are available in the market that does not burn a hole in your pocket. Simply conduct thorough research based on price to find an e-bike that is both efficient and within your budget. But if you end up falling short on funds, you can always avail of a quick two-wheeler loan.  

Additional Read:  All you need to know about electric two-wheeler industry in India

Over to you

Once you have taken into account these three things, make sure you test drive your e-scooter before purchasing one. Doing this will give you an overall feel of the bike. Also, make sure to drive it on tar roads and off-roads to check the bike’s suspension quality. Now, you know how to effectively choose and purchase an electric bike or vehicle, but is affordability still a concern?

If a lack of funds stops you from buying an electric two-wheeler, you can reach out to Tata Capital for bike finance. We extend loans at competitive interest rates with relaxed two-wheeler loan eligibility criteria, flexible repayment terms, fast processing, and quick disbursal of funds. You can also apply for two-wheeler finance online.

Moreover, if you wish to figure out what your monthly EMIs will look like, should you choose to apply with us, you can also use our bike loan EMI calculator.

So, what are you waiting for? Avail of two-wheeler finance at Tata Capital today!

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