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Tata Capital > Blog > Wealth Services > Out of Investment Options? A Wealth Manager to the Rescue!

Wealth Services

Out of Investment Options? A Wealth Manager to the Rescue!

Out of Investment Options? A Wealth Manager to the Rescue!

If you’re only just starting out as an investor, you’ll find it relatively easier to manage your own investments. However, after your capital appreciates past a certain point, your net worth also shows a corresponding increase in value, thereby making you a High Net Worth Individual (HNI). Typically, if your investible surplus exceeds Rs. 5 crores, you’re classified as a HNI.

And as a High Net Worth Individual, you may find it overwhelming to manage your investments owing to the sheer size of your corpus funds. Furthermore, you could also run out of investment options, thereby stalling any future financial growth. Here’s where a wealth manager can prove to be extremely helpful. Read on to discover how a professional wealth manager can assist you with your investments when you appear to have run out of options.

Adoption of a holistic and customized approach to investment

Wealth management professionals adopt a comprehensive approach to investments and focus on building your portfolio in a manner that helps you achieve your target return. The investment advice they offer is less product-oriented and more customer-focused. As a result, your wealth manager can help you pick investment options that act as financial solutions rather than mere products to increase your returns.

Furthermore, the assistance offered by wealth managers is highly customized for your individual requirements. The greatest advantage of this kind of expert help is that it allows you to achieve the gains you’re targeting. So, even if you appear to have run out of investment options, your wealth manager can offer you a fresh perspective that’s centered on building a portfolio consisting of assets that can help you achieve your future financial goals.

Access to a wide range of financial services

Hiring a wealth manager also gives you access to a wide range of financial services that can prove to be invaluable in the long run. For starters, wealth management professionals can assist you with portfolio management, so your existing assortment of investments are optimized in a manner that maximizes the financial return they offer. Furthermore, wealth managers also offer portfolio tracking tools that can help you keep an eye on your investments.

In addition to this, these financial experts offer investment counselling, which can prove to be extremely useful if you’re looking for new avenues of investment. By weighing your financial goals for the future against the investments you’ve currently parked your funds in, a wealth manager can help identify the areas where you may need to overhaul your portfolio by investing in diverse financial or non-financial assets.

The practiced art of balancing risks and returns

In addition to the obvious returns they offer, investments pose various kinds of risks to the investor. If you’ve run out of investment options, it’s not enough to merely look for the next new opportunity on the block and hastily park your funds therein. Instead, the right approach focuses on assessing the risks and rewards proffered by alternative investment choices. Wealth managers can help you here, by taking into account the levels of risk you can tolerate and pitting these limits against the rewards offered by unexplored investment opportunities.

These financial experts do not limit their assistance to purely evaluating an investment option; they go the extra mile and determine how a potential investment opportunity fits in with your life goals and your overall financial and personal objectives. It’s this practiced art of balancing risks and returns that makes a wealth manager indispensable if you’ve run out of investment options.


You know now how an expert at wealth management can help you make the most of your income and your investments, even when it appears as if you have no new avenues to venture into. To enjoy the benefits of professional assistance, you can reach out to Tata Capital’s wealth management team and gain access to a wide range of products and privileges. The earlier you seek professional assistance to manage your wealth, the sooner you can achieve your financial goals.