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Tata Capital > Blog > Wealth Services > Transition planning

Wealth Services

Transition planning

Transition planning

You must have put your blood and sweat to build the business that is so popular today, isn’t it? You would not want it to stop after your demise or go in the wrong hands, isn’t it? So, how you can assure that your brainchild goes in the right hands who can enhance it and not ruin the goodwill? You can do so by opting for a transition planning service. This article will give a brief idea about the process of transition planning.

What is transition planning?

Transition planning can be defined as a process of outlining all the changes that are going to take place when you are going to hand over the business and wealth to your successor from the next generation of your families like your daughter or son and others. With transition planning, you can identify the right and deserving successor of your business, and wealth. You can groom the successor before handing over all the rights and duties and powers related to the business.

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How does it work?

Transition planning involves multiple steps for making a smooth transition. It would start with the evaluation process which would include things like –

  1. Determining the duration of the transition process. Transition cannot be an overnight thing. You cannot just wake up on a fine morning and decide to pass on your business and wealth to your successor.
  2. You need to first choose whether you want to pass on the business to your family members or sell it to a third party. If you think your children are not interested enough in the business, you can sell the business off to a third party too.
  3. You can also choose any of your employees as well whom you think is deserving enough to run your business.
  4. Once the successor is decided, he or she needs to be groomed for the business. They need to understand the value of the business. The successor needs to preserve and protect the value of the business and try to promote the same.
  5. If you are selling the business, then you need to find out the real value of the business. You must also consider how much wealth your family would need to maintain the same lifestyle you were providing running the business.
  6. You need to guide your successor about the control they are going to have on the business activities, and how they can exercise their powers.
  7. Finally, one of the most important parts is the preservation of assets, wealth, and estate which is also a major part of transition planning.

Benefits of Transition planning

If you are wondering why you need to plan the transition, then here are some reasons for that –

  1. You can control the time of transition
  2. You can choose the successor who is deserving and can run the business properly and expand it
  3. It can increase the goodwill of the company and ultimately the business value
  4. It can also help in reducing taxes
  5. Finally, it can give you the sense of security that the business of yours is in the right hands.

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Naturally, a child will be the successor of the business and wealth of his or her parent. However, in the case of business, it is important to evaluate whether the successor is capable to run the business or not or whether he or she is interested or not. With proper transition planning, you can not only choose the right successor for your business but also groom him or her to preserve and promote the business value. With Tata Capital Wealth “Wills & Trust” referral service you can ensure that the transition planning of your business and wealth is execute smoothly.