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Tata Capital > Blog > COVID-19 > WFH > Challenges of Working From Home and How to Tackle Them


Challenges of Working From Home and How to Tackle Them

Challenges of Working From Home and How to Tackle Them

With a global pandemic forcing governments to impose lockdowns, going to the office every day is nearly impossible. Most of the world’s working population is now stuck at home but continues to work every day using their computers and smartphones. While working from home sounds like a piece of cake initially, it can get messy if not properly planned and strategized.

If you have been working from home for the past few weeks, you must have faced plenty of problems challenging your daily routine, mental health and physical well-being. Here are a few solutions to some of the most typical issues faced by people working from home.

1. Lack of a Schedule

Enforcing discipline on yourself can be difficult, especially if there is no one to supervise you. This lack of discipline is most apparent in the form of a non-existent schedule while you are working from home. If you do not have a strict plan in place for working, you might end up spreading your work throughout the day, and therefore be stressed unnecessarily at all hours of the day. Sometimes, you might also procrastinate endlessly and increase your stress.

The best way to avoid this challenge is to tackle work at the beginning of the day. Set aside 6-10 hours specifically for work and take only a 15 to 30 minute break in between. You may also work in the afternoon or evening, but make sure you fix specific hours.

Additional Read:- Best Internet Plans to Work From Home

2. Overworking

While at home, you might be tempted to finish assignments and projects much before the deadline, and therefore end up spending all your time working. Doing this can be gravely dangerous to both your physical and mental health. Increased stress levels can cause a lack of stamina, headaches, and even poor eyesight.

Always ensure that you work only as much as required. Do not spend all your time on your computer. While being prompt with deadlines is appreciable, you do not need to burden yourself with extra work just because you have nowhere to go amidst a lockdown. When you are a bit free, dedicate some time pursuing a hobby or talking to family and friends instead of continuing to work.

3. Lack of Proper Technology

If your job is based entirely in-office, you probably don’t have the right digital gear to work from home. You may have a good quality computer and fast internet, but just these might not be sufficient when it comes to working from home. Connection tripping is a common problem across the country. Unless you have a proper Wi-Fi system installed in your home, you might have trouble communicating with your team, completing internet-based work or submitting deliverables on time.

If there is even a slight possibility of getting a high-performance Wi-Fi router installed or a better internet pack that you can purchase, don’t be shy to invest. You can also start using cloud-based storage, newer apps that make your job easier, better computers and cables, headphones, webcams, or any other technical resources available today. Remember, proper technology will prevent your work from getting hampered and keep distractions at bay.

Additional Read:- What are the Steps Taken by the Government to Fight Coronavirus in India?

You can overcome the problems mentioned above if you practice some discipline and stick to schedules. Prioritize appropriately to breeze through the lockdown with maximum productivity.