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Tata Capital > Blog > What’s Trending > Coronavirus: Facts vs Myths


Coronavirus: Facts vs Myths

Coronavirus: Facts vs Myths

Coronavirus is the new epidemic that has taken almost the whole world into its grasp. With a set of new cases every passing day, the threat is unavoidable. Though the virus species is not new to science, the prevailing infection is a new addition to the corona virus family. People have come across a plethora of information in regard to the spread, prevention, and cure of the virus but not all of it is credible. 

Here are the key coronavirus facts and coronavirus myths to know:

1. There is a vaccine available to cure Covid-19

It’s a Myth!

Although, as the first case was reported for coronavirus, scientists across the world started working on developing a preventive and curing vaccine for this disease, no success has been registered yet. The only assured way of blocking the spread of this disease is to wash your hands regularly and stay safe.

Coronavirus Facts VS Fictions

2. Coronavirus infection can be prevented by washing hands

It’s a fact!

The only sure-fire way to prevent yourself from getting infected with this virus is to regularly wash your hands with soap and water or with an alcohol-based rub. Do not touch your face, eyes, and nose if you think you might have touched an infected person or surface. Maintain a distance from people of about 2 meters, especially from those who are coughing, sneezing or are generally sick.

If you feel like sneezing, do not use your hands. Either sneeze in a disposable napkin or use your elbow crook to sneeze.

3. Wearing surgical masks can prevent you from catching the virus

It’s a myth!

There is no scientific proof of the claim that a mask can prevent you from catching Covid-19.  However, they can help prevent the spreading of infection from an infected person if he or she uses the mask. This will block any droplets from their mouth or nose to spread to other surfaces when they cough or sneeze. As a general practice, it is good to wear masks while attending doubtful social gatherings.

COVID 19 Myths Vs Facts

Additional Read:- What Are The Common Symptoms Of Coronavirus?

4.  Heat is anti-coronavirus

It’s a myth!

Taking a hot bath will do no good for the prevention of this infection. There is no guaranteed proof of any temperature changes that might help mitigate the virus. However, drinking lukewarm water at regular intervals can help in keeping the flu at a bay. 

5. Mosquitoes can serve as carriers of the coronavirus

It’s a myth!

Apart from the air and infected surface, there are no other transmitters of the Covid-19 known. Practicing strict personal hygiene can keep you safe.  

6. The mortality rate is high due to Covid-19

It’s a myth!

About 2.3% of the infected people from Covid-19 are known to die as per a report released by the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention.

Additional Read:- How to Prepare for Coronavirus If You Have a Planned Travel Ahead?

Coronavirus is a preventable disease. By following a strict regime of washing hands regularly, you can safeguard yourself from getting infected.