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How can businesses do their part towards sustainability?

How can businesses do their part towards sustainability?

Going Green means using resources more efficiently by optimising current use and minimising wastage. Today, as more employees become planet conscious, organisations aiming to drive sustainability will fuel employees with a newfound zeal and pride towards being a part of such an eco-friendly enterprise. Additionally, customers today are appreciating the efforts of sustainable businesses across the globe. 

On this World Environment Day, let’s understand how companies can align themselves with the higher cause and build eco-friendly businesses. 

Here are a few ways businesses can do their part towards sustainability: 

1. Ensure mindful transportation

Humans commuting to work day in and day out leaves behind a huge carbon footprint that goes unnoticed. The pandemic has imposed remote working, which is good for the planet as it saves on transportation costs and reduces emissions and pollution. Being mindful of the extent of employee commute and mode of transportation facilitated can go a long way in building sustainability. 

Companies can extend work from home even after the mandatory period is complete for employees working remotely. For those workers whose physical presence is required within the office premises, businesses can encourage carpooling, public transportation, cycling, or even walking as a mode of conveyance. 

Besides local commute, companies must review their employee’s domestic and international travels in the past and minimise it to what’s non-negotiable. Air travel has the most significant carbon dioxide emission per passenger compared to all other means of transportation, and it’s necessary to be more mindful of such travels. 

2. Reduce dependence on single-use products

Avoiding the use of single-use products can drastically reduce wastage and leave a better environmental footprint. Here are some examples – 

  • Encouraging the use of personal cups by employees instead of disposable plastic ones.
  • Using bulk containers for condiments in the kitchen instead of single-use throwaway servings.
  • Taking a step towards going paperless by switching over to hand dryers from paper towels and digital processes.

3. Going Digital

Today several organisations are striving to go paperless by shifting to cloud computing and storage. Such transitions can directly reduce carbon emissions and printing costs. Moreover, it empowers business teams to work from anywhere with utmost privacy and data security. More importantly, it eliminates the need to maintain expensive and power-intensive servers and reduces operational costs.

Besides cloud computing, embracing digital and minimising paper-intensive processes are environmentally friendly. At Tata Capital, we are committed to environmental sustainability and embrace end-to-end digital loan processing as one of our many ways of conservation. Beyond being planet-friendly, our digital loans enhance customer experience and improve turnaround time by minimising the time taken to sanction and disburse funds. 

4. Proactive green procurement

Another simple step companies can do to build sustainable businesses is being mindful of procurement by relying on raw materials produced sustainably. Simple efforts to ensure that the raw material does not contain any toxic or ozone-depleting substances, is recyclable and renewable and does not use excessive non-biodegradable packaging is a good starting point. 

Additionally, businesses can promote the local suppliers instead of sourcing material from those located far away.

Additional Read: Digitally Empowering SMEs in India

5. Recycle your e-waste

Businesses can do their bit for the environment by keeping e-waste away from the massive landfills. A simple measure could be companies donating old laptops to schools and charities when upgrading to ensure re-use rather than discarding them outright. Alternatively, companies can opt for policies launched by computer manufacturers who issue rewards for trading in used electronic equipment.

6. Reduce water usage

Taking stringent steps to reduce water waste will aid in saving money while conserving the invaluable resources of our planet. Keep a check on the dripping taps and plumbing leaks at the establishment. Businesses can also instal low-flowing toilets and faucet aerators in the washrooms. Besides, the company can go for an overall drought-tolerant landscape design, such as adopting drip irrigation and rain sensors.

7. Build a Green Team

To formulate strategies that work, companies must get everyone on board. Consider forming an internal Green Team of environmentally sensitive individuals to brainstorm the best way to make the optimum use of available resources.

Additional Read: Working capital management in a post-Covid world

Bottom Line

It is the responsibility of every individual and enterprise to conserve natural resources and protect planet earth. If you are looking to invest in clean energy or equipment, reach out to experts at Tata Capital on alternatives available to seek financial support for such investments.