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Tata Capital > Blog > What’s Trending > How To Check If you Have Coronavirus?


How To Check If you Have Coronavirus?

How To Check If you Have Coronavirus?

Coronavirus disease 2019 or COVID – 19 is the pandemic that has affected over 119,248 people and taken the lives of more than 4,300 people worldwide. COVID-19 is a respiratory tract infection that can lead to complications like pneumonia and ultimately death. The causative agent is a new corona virus strain named “SARS-CoV-2” believed to have originated in animals. The first case was identified in Wuhan, China.

Here are some coronavirus facts that you need to know to prevent the infection:-

How does the virus spread?  The exact source of the COVID-19 is yet to be identified. However, the first infections appear to have links to live animals. It is now known to be spreading from person to person.

COVID 19 symptoms

What is the incubation period of the virus? 

Reports suggest that coronavirus symptoms appear in infected people within 14 days of exposure.

Is the virus deadly? As per the reports published on March 10, 2020, over 4000 people have died due to coronavirus infection. Approximately 64,385 patients have also recovered. It appears that people with low immunity, infants, and older adults are more susceptible to fatality while healthy individuals can overcome the infection.

Additional Read:- List of Coronavirus Testing Centres in India

How do you know if you have been infected by coronavirus?

Coronavirus Coughing

Coronavirus symptoms closely resemble the symptoms of seasonal allergies and influenza. These include

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Shortness of breath

However, cases of coronavirus will also have some context such as:

  • Recent history of travel, especially to geographic areas where cases of COVID-19 have been reported.
  • Close contact with someone who has travelled to such a geographic area.
  • Contact with someone who is either known to have been infected or has come from a region where the outbreak has been reported.
  • Recent travel on a cruise ship.

If any of these red flags apply to you, and you show symptoms, especially shortness of breath, you should consider testing for COVID-19. A laboratory test for coronavirus will look for signs of infection in your blood, nasal secretion, or other body fluids. Specialized gene sequencing tests on the collected blood sample are also effective in tracing the marker for the novel virus. These tests will conclusively prove whether you have coronavirus infection.

What precautions should you take to avoid getting infected?

As per the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, to stop the spread of the virus the following coronavirus precautions need to be taken actively:

Practice standard hand hygiene: Wash your hands frequently with soap and scrub them for a minimum of 20 seconds to effectively remove all germs. Otherwise, clean your hands with 60% alcohol-based hand-sanitizers. 

Practice respiratory hygiene: Since the virus primarily affects the respiratory tract, sneeze into your elbow when you need to sneeze and cough with your hands over your mouth. Do not touch your nose, mouth, ears, or eyes with unclean hands, especially after shaking hands or when in crowded places.

Additional Read:- Coronavirus Precautions: 5 Ways to Prevent Coronavirus at a Workplace

Whether you have traveled in the recent past or not, it is vital to stay careful and seek medical help if you show any symptoms of COVID-19. Adopt simple preventive measures and remain healthy to battle the coronavirus threat successfully.