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Tata Capital > Blog > What’s Trending > What Are The Common Symptoms Of Coronavirus?


What Are The Common Symptoms Of Coronavirus?

What Are The Common Symptoms Of Coronavirus?

The novel coronavirus outbreak has become a global pandemic, with more than 93000 cases reported worldwide as of 4 March 2020. 3190 fatalities have been reported from countries across the world. The silver lining is that as of 6 March 2020, over 55,000 cases of recovery from coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) have been reported in China itself. It means that the disease can be warded off if proper precautions are taken. Fighting with this deadly disease needs a concise understanding of the general symptoms of the disease so that medical help can be acquired in time.

The complication in coronavirus infection is that the symptoms are closely similar to influenza and the common cold. The virus attacks the respiratory tract and the lungs and can affect the digestive tract. In mild to moderate cases, mainly the upper respiratory tract is affected. Symptoms depend upon the severity of the infection. Here are the most common coronavirus symptoms that you need to look out for if you or your loved ones fall ill:

  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • a persistent cough
  • headache
  • shortness of breath and difficulty breathing
  • a high temperature

The symptoms mentioned above can surface after 2 to 14 days of exposure to the virus. The infection becomes serious if it spreads to the lower respiratory tract. Symptoms of the disease turning severe include: 

  • cough with mucus
  • bronchitis
  • chest pain while breathing or when coughing
  • pneumonia, with high fever
  • severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
  • kidney and other organ failures 

A person with a healthy immune system can successfully fight the infection and recover. The people most prone to severe infections are infants, older adults, and those who have a compromised immune system or preexisting medical conditions like heart disease. Most of those who have succumbed to the virus were of unsound immunity.  

COVID 19 symptoms

Additional Read:- Coronavirus: Facts vs Myths

What to do if you show corona virus symptoms?

  • Take proper rest and eat healthy food and fruits to boost your immune system.
  • Stay at home and avoid crowded public places if you are unwell.
  • Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen to get relief from the fever.
  • Seek medical help if you have been in close contact with someone having coronavirus infection or in the past fortnight have traveled to a country where the disease is prevalent.

How to stay safe and prevent coronavirus infection?

Antibiotics cannot cure viral infections and are ineffective in covid-19. The best solution is to avoid the infection. The following preventive measures can be beneficial:

  • Keeping your hands clean is crucial, and frequent use of soap or alcohol-based hand-sanitizers is advisable. CDC recommends the use of sanitizers with at least 60% of alcohol content.
  • Try to keep away from patients showing coronavirus symptoms.
  • Since the disease is believed to have originated from exposure to animals you should not eat raw or undercooked meat.

Additional Read:- Coronavirus Precautions: 5 Ways to Prevent Coronavirus at a Workplace

If you need totravel to international destinations, check the websites of WHO and CDC for updates about the covid-19 scenario in that country.