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What are Loan Against Securities(LAS) Interest Rates and Charges?

When you take a loan against security to tackle your urgent financial requirements, you must pay interest to the lender. This interest is calculated as per the loan against the securities rate of interest applicable to your loan amount. The loan against securities interest rates may vary from one lending institution to another and are usually charged as percentages on principal loan amounts.

With Tata Capital, you can avail of a loan against shares, mutual funds, or bonds at the most affordable interest rates. Furthermore, depending on your loan eligibility, monthly income, credit score, and the type of security, we can determine the best loan against securities rate of interest for you.

Also, we don’t levy any hidden charges on our loans against securities. We convey all charges transparently at the time of loan processing.


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TATA Capital's Loan Against Securities Interest Rates and Charges are:

Rate of Interest 10% - 20% (depending on quantity and quality of securities)
Nonrefundable Processing fees (in Rupees) Up to 3% of the loan amount + GST (mentioned in the loan agreement , varies from partner to partner)
Stamp Duty (in Rupees) At Actual
Document Processing Charges (in Rupees) Nil
Pledge Charges -LAS Nil
Lien creation charges-LAS-MF Rs 350 per RTA (Registrar and Transfer Agent) per Lien creation
Lien Invocation/Revocation Charges-LAS-MF Rs 100 per RTA (Registrar and Transfer Agent) per Lien Invocation/Revocation

*Terms & Conditions apply.

    Penal Charges

  • Default in payment of amounts due as per the Facility Documents

    3% per month on overdue amount (36%  p.a.)

  • Dishonour of any cheque/
    payment instruments

    Rs. 600/- per instrument per instance  (These are those charges that are levied in case of a repayment bounce)

  • Mandate Rejection


  • Non-creation of security



    Note: *(GST, other government taxes and levies as applicable, will be payable on all charges)

Other Charges

We also levy the following Contingent charges on our loans against securities:

Annual Maintenance Charges/ Renewal Charges (in Rupees) Up to 3% of the loan amount + GST (mentioned in the loan agreement , varies from partner to partner)
Repossession Charges/Liquidation Charges (in Rupees) 0.35% of sale consideration + brokerage applicable
Additional Pldge/lien creation charges (in Rupees) Nil
Collection Charges (in Rupees) Nil
Prepayment/ Foreclosure charge (in Rupees) Nil

Note: GST, other government taxes and levies as applicable, will be payable on all charges.

Loan Against Security Blogs

Loan Against Securities
Loan Against Securities
20 August, 2024
Loan Against Securities
Loan Against Securities
11 March, 2024
Loan Against Securities
Loan Against Securities
11 March, 2024

Beware of Frauds!

For any assistance, contact our customer support



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