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Savings and Investments Plans

  • Tata AIA

  • HDFC Life

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HDFC Life Sanchay Plus

  • Guaranteed benefits – Rest assured of the returns
  • Flexibility – Guaranteed benefits as a lump sum or as regular income
  • Guaranteed Income till age 99 years
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HDFC Life Super Income Plan

  • Regular income for 8 - 15 years
  • Add on riders available
  • Wide range of plan options
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HDFC Life Classic One

  • Single Premium Savings Plan with Life cover
  • Benefit of rupee cost averaging (STP)
  • Option of Single and Joint Life cover


Financial planning is the key to fulfilling your dreams and aspirations. From providing for your family to buying a home or a car, good planning ensures lifetime financial security for your family, even in case of an unfortunate event of the death of an earning member of your family. The sign of a sound financial plan is the inclusion of adequate life insurance coverage in the plan, with an element of savings built along side. Life Insurance is also an important saving instrument. Insurance saving plans can help you organise specific needs like saving for your child's education, marriage, settlement in life, purchase of a house, retirement and other financial goals.

Disclaimer: Tata Capital Limited (“TCL”) bearing License no. CA0896 valid till 21-Jan-2027, acts as a Composite Corporate Agent for TATA AIA Life Insurance Company Limited, HDFC Life Insurance Company Limited, BAJAJ Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited, Kotak Mahindra Life Insurance Company limited, TATA AIG General Insurance Company Limited,  IFFCO Tokio General Insurance Company Limited & Star Health and Allied Insurance Co Ltd. Please note that, TCL does not underwrite the risk or act as an insurer. For more details on the risk factors, terms & conditions please read sales brochure carefully of the Insurance Company before concluding the sale. Participation to buy insurance is purely voluntary.

The Registered office of TCL is Tata Capital Limited, 11th Floor, Tower A, Peninsula Business Park, Ganpatrao Kadam, Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai-400013

What are Savings and Investment Plan

Saving and investment plans help you accumulate funds over a period of time. Depending on the type of financial goal you have – short-term or mid-term, or long-term, you can choose the period of investment. It is not necessary to stay invested in saving plans for at least 5 years.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Financial Protection

    When you have invested in a saving plan, you will get the benefit of being financially protected through the advantages it offer. If you have invested in a life insurance cum savings plan, the beneficiaries of the plan will get the death benefit, if the policyholder passes away during the term of the policy. That way, your family is protected financially.

  • Tax Advantage

    All the saving and investment plan offer tax benefit under Section 80C along with the deductions under Section 10(10D).

  • Helps you Achieve Life Goals

    Saving and investment plans also help you in achieving life goals. As these plans allow you to save for a long period of time, you create a corpus that eventually leads you to achieve the life goals you had set for yourself easily.


    If you want to create long-lasting wealth, you should select the right investment plan and start your investment journey as early as possible. When you decide to invest, you should have short-term, medium-term and long term goals with different time frames. For short-term goals, you can invest in bank Fixed Deposits; for medium-term goals, you should invest in mutual funds; and for long-term goals, you should invest in equity, ULIPs or guaranteed savings plan.

  • Note* The features above may or may not reflect in the plans sourced by our corporate agents. Please check our plans and their features to know more.

Types of Savings and Investment Plan

    Guaranteed saving plans are life insurance cum saving plans that offer life cover along with an avenue to save and grow your wealth.

    For example, with the above-mentioned plan, if you pay Rs. 10,000 per month for 10 years, you will get Rs. 29.85 Lakhs at the end of 20th policy year. Such plans help you fulfil your long-term goals as the returns are guaranteed.

Difference between Term and Savings and Investment Life Insurance

In terms of life insurance, most people are aware that both term insurance, as well as investment plans, offer a life cover. However, they both cater to different needs. While term plans fulfill the need for protection, investment plans fulfill the need for savings. You will be able to choose the right plan for yourself once you identify the differences, the features, and your needs pertaining to each category of life insurance. These factors can help you arrive at the best term insurance policy or make a comparative analysis of term insurance vs an investment plan.


Here are the main points of difference between the two:


A term life insurance plan offers a pure life cover. It is a simple life insurance plan that promises to pay a sum assured if the policyholder dies within the policy period. If he outlives the term, there is no maturity benefit. An investment plan offers a life cover as well as a savings option. Your nominee gets the death benefit in case of your unfortunate demise. If you outlive the policy period, you get a maturity benefit.


Since a term plan doesn’t offer any return and only provides risk cover, it is less expensive. On the other hand, an investment plan provides a maturity benefit, along with loyalty additions. These additional features make an endowment policy more expensive.

Sum Assured

The sum assured in a term insurance plan is the highest. This is because it provides only risk cover, fulfilling your need for protection. The sum assured is not as high in an investment plan as compared to a term insurance plan. This is because an endowment plan fulfills the need for saving. You get a lower sum assured, but you are also offered a maturity benefit. 

Aim Of Cover

Term life insurance aims at only providing financial help to your nominees in case of your demise. The amount can work as an income replacement to manage your household expenses and outstanding EMIs. It is essential to buy a term insurance plan if you have dependent family members. The Investment plan aims to help you save for your future goals. It provides guaranteed returns and caters to the need of future savings. Learn more about investment plans here.

Payout Options

In a term insurance, the nominee receives the sum assured in lump sum or equal installments or a combination of both on the death of the insured during the policy period The policyholder has the option to customize the payout option based on his/her family needs it can be lump sum, monthly or a combination of both. In an investment plan, the payout is a lump sum either on the death of the policyholder during the policy term or as a maturity benefit on completion of the policy term.

Explore Other Insurance Products

Life Insurance

We understand how important your family’s happiness is to you and how hard you work for them.It is equally important to secure your family’s future by taking a life protection cover.

We present to you a broad range of Protection Plans uniquely designed to secure your family at every stage of life.

Life Insurance Life Insurance

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