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up to Rs. 1 Crore

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  • Customizable Loan tenure

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  • Up to 100% financing
  • No additional collateral required

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  • Retail and strategic Clients

Used Commercial Vehicle finance

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  • Refinance
  • Top up
  • Balance Transfer

Annual Reports

Financial Results

General Meetings


International Business Information

Market Linked Debentures

Tata Capital Limited issues Rated, Listed, Secured, Redeemable, Principal Protected Non-Convertible Market Linked Debentures (PPMLDs). Please review the relevant offer document / memorandum of private placement relating to the specific PPMLDs for details on the PPMLDs including their risk factors.

As per the Guidelines for Issue and Listing of Structured Products / Market Linked Debentures dated September 28, 2011 issued by SEBI, depending on the valuation agency mentioned in the offer document / memorandum of private placement; latest and historical valuations provided by the valuation agent will be available as below:


CARE Analytics and Advisory Private Limited ("Valuation Agency”):

A new Entry has to be made here for Tata Capital Limited. Although this shows a PDF icon, These are not pdfs, You can verify by clicking on these and check .

Stock Exchange


Scheme of Arrangement

Scheme of Arrangement with Tata Motors Finance Limited

Unclaimed Amount of Investors

As per the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, any unclaimed interest/redemption amount of Investors on the Non Convertible Debentures issued by the Company, is required to be transferred to an Escrow Account. Further, if the said amount remains unclaimed for a period of 7 years from the date of payment, then the said unclaimed amount is required to be transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund.

Click here to check your Unclaimed Amount on NCDs.

Note: This is to inform you that by clicking on the above hyperlink, you will be exiting the website of Tata Capital Limited and entering the website of KFin Technologies Limited, Registrar & Transfer Agent of Tata Capital Limited. This link is provided only for the convenience of the Debenture holders to check their Unclaimed Amount.

For more details , you may write to  for Public NCDs and for Private Placement of NCDs.

Tata Capital Limited - Entity Details

PAN number - AADCP9147P

GST number - 27AADCP9147P1ZN

Scheme of arrangement - Download

Memorandum and Articles of Association of TCL - Download

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